EFFINGHAM, IL-(Effingham Radio)- The Effingham County Health Department and Effingham County Emergency Management urges residents to take precautions during this winter weather event.
Temperatures may be well below zero with dangerous wind chills.
Residents should avoid going outside if at all possible, and if not, limit their exposure time to severe cold.
In order to reduce exposure and possible frostbite, cover all exposed parts of the body.
Frostbite is a severe reaction to cold exposure of the skin and can occur in as little as 30 minutes.
The symptoms of frostbite are numbness and white or pale appearance to the skin.
Frostbite can permanently damage the skin.
Hypothermia is a life-threatening condition brought on when the body temperature drops below 95 degrees.
Residents are also encouraged to make sure pets have access to shelter from these extreme temperatures.
Effingham County residents who need emergency warming during this weather emergency may contact the Effingham County Sheriff’s office at 217-342-2101, and they will be put in contact with warming center resources.
UPDATE (5:57PM 1/29/2019): Below are some tips from the experts to help you stay safe in severe weather.
- “Winter weather conditions can change quite rapidly so it’s important to check the forecast often, especially along your entire route before you travel.” Says Chris Miller, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, at the National Weather Service in Lincoln.
- “Make it a habit to tell a friend or family member when you plan to travel in extreme cold or severe weather. Let them know the route you plan to take and check in with them when you reach your destination.” advises Sheriff Dave Mahon. “Keep your gas tank full, your cell phone charged, and call 911 if you need assistance.”
- “Put fresh batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and make sure they are operating correctly.” advises Jon Becker, Altamont Fire Chief. “If you plan to use alternate heat sources during power outages, check them to make sure they are operating correctly, read instructions carefully, and follow safe operating guidelines.”
- Bob Westendorf, Foreman of Effingham County Highway Department suggests, “Stay clear of snow plows. Blowing snow and dangerous driving conditions make it more difficult for snow plow operators to see you if you are following too closely or trying to pass.” He adds “If you don’t need to be out when the plows are out, stay in and stay safe.”
- “Stock up your pantry with at least enough food and water for your family for 3 days. Make sure you have 1 gallon of water per person per day and non-perishable foods such as nuts, canned meats and fruit. Also make sure you have adequate medications needed for several days. ” recommends Karen Feldkamp, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator at the Effingham County Health Department.
- “Extreme temperatures can be very dangerous for animals.” Advises Kevin Bullard, Commander of Effingham County K9 Search and Rescue. ”Always provide the animals in your care access to shelter from winters cold temperatures and extreme weather conditions.”
- “When roads are impassable it’s imperative to have trained shelter volunteers in each community throughout the county who are ready to assist their friends and neighbors when power outages make an emergency shelter necessary to keep people warm and safe.” Said Valerie Goodwin, Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross. “Check out how easy it is to become a shelter volunteer at Redcross.org.”
Below are just a few more tips from Effingham County Emergency Management to help you have a safe winter.
- Get your car ready for severe weather by checking fluids, brakes, lights and hazard lights, windshield wipers and washer fluid, heater, defroster, and tire pressure.
- Stock your car with winter safety supplies including an ice scraper, blankets, battery charger and cables, flash light, 1st aid kit, car cell phone charger, extra clothes and boots, and cat litter or sand for extra traction.
Check out the Effingham County Emergency Management Agency’s website for more safety information at http://www.co.effingham.il.us/emergency-management