EFFINGHAM, IL-(Effingham Radio)- The Effingham County Chamber of Commerce celebrates the opening of new businesses and welcomes new Chamber members with ribbon cuttings, new member pictures and other events and activities.
Caritas Family Solutions is an Illinois non-profit social service agency, with 12 employees at the Effingham satellite office, located at 1901 S 4th Street, Ste. 22.
The agency offers services including adoption, pregnancy care, foster care, counseling, residential treatment for abused & neglected children, multi-systemic therapy for at-risk youth, independent living for adults with developmental disabilities and assisted living and employment assistance for low-income seniors.
To learn more about their services, visit them online at www.caritasfamily.org.
Shown in photo are (L-R): Hollie Bloemer, Foster Care Case Manager; Jay Buehnerkemper & Jerry Jansen, Chamber Ambassadors; Leigh Dickey, Lead Foster Care Supervisor; Debbie Womack & Bev Soltwedel, Chamber Ambassadors; Carly Jones, Community Relations Specialist; Kaitlin Kelley & Jennifer Holman, Foster Care Case Managers; Debbie McFarland, Foster Care Case Aid; Josie Wallace, Administrative Assistant; Deonte King, Licensing Specialist; and Morgan Probst, Foster Care Supervisor.