EFFINGHAM, IL-(Effingham Radio)- Flooding is being reported on roadway in Effingham.
So far we have reports of flooding on Fayette Street at the underpass just west of the Banker Street Intersection and at the intersection of South Maple and West Jefferson Streets.
The following have been submitted by listeners:
- South Henrietta Street is flooded from Temple to the Effingham Junior High School
- the Walgreens Parking lot is flooded
- St Anthony Street is flooded
- Richland by the Junior High School is flooded
- A vehicle is stalled in the water on North 4th Street
- North Lakewood Drive is flooded
- Rollin Hills Boulevard is flooded
- A vehicle is stalled in the water on South Maple, just north of the rail road tracks
- 5th Street is flooded
- Washington Street is flooded
- Power lines are down on Rickelman Avenue
- Route 45 approximately 1/4 of a mile north of Mid America Motorworks is flooded
An Effingham County Highway Commissioner is reporting that all of the Salt Creek systems North and East of Teutopolis is flooded and impassable. This includes some side streets.
We will continue to update our story as we get more reports in.
Please avoid any flooded roads and turn around if you encounter any flooded roadways.