Effingham, IL -(Effingham Radio)- The GFWC Illinois Federation of Women’s Club has several different scholarships available on the state and district levels. State scholarships are not limited to current high school graduates.
All ages of potential students are welcome to apply. The deadline for state scholarships is Saturday, February 15, 2020.
Recipients of the state scholarships will be notified by April 1st. The district scholarship is only available to graduating high school seniors seeking a degree in the Arts. The district deadline is Friday, February 28, 2020. Recipients will be notified by April 1st.
To obtain the guidelines and applications for these scholarships, contact your high school counselor. Scholarships are also available by contacting Becky Brown at (217) 821-6780 (h) or 217-342-4147 (w). You can also stop by the Chamber office at 903 N Keller Drive, Effingham.