Effingham, IL -(Effingham Radio)- On March 4, 2020, five South Central FFA members competed in the District 4 proficiency competition at Sullivan High School in Sullivan, Illinois. This competition involved the judging of the members’ record books in their respected areas, and the judges choosing the winner for each area.
At the district level an interview process takes place where each member had to be interviewed individually by four judges. Doing this involves a two minute introduction speech that each participant must design and memorize.
Alec Langley competed in fiber and oil production. Eli Arenas competed in nursery operations. Dawson Carter placed second in poultry production. Dennis Wollin placed second in diversified livestock. Cotter Hiestand placed first in agriculture mechanics repair & maintenance placement in District 4, and will advance to the state proficiency contest at the University of Illinois in Champaign, Illinois on March 21.