Altamont, IL -(Effingham Radio)- The meeting was called to order by Board President Dale Laue at 7:00pm.
- Introduction of Alex Walden, our new Ag teacher
Consent Agenda
- Approved the minutes of the June 14, 2021, Regular Meeting
- Approved the minutes of the June 13, 2021 Public Hearing to amend the budget
- Approved the District Financial Reports
High School Activities Report
- Mrs. Bueker-recommendation for Assistant Boys Basketball Coach
- Still looking for several other vacant coaching positions © Will inquire as to student interest in continuing to livestream events
Altamont Grade School
- Mr. Hill-recommendation for 2 paraprofessionals
- Summer school summary
Altamont Community High School
-Mr. Tkachuk-Effingham J.O.B.S. initiative
- High School office work continues
Old Business
- The BOE voted to approve the purchase of a utility vehicle (gator) for the purpose of maintenance and athletics.
The BOE went into closed session to discuss: (7:37pm) Consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5İLCS 120/2/(c)(1)
Return to Open Session (7:59)
New Business
- A. Extra-Curricular Volunteer – no action- name pulled from consideration prior to meeting
- Non-Certified Resignations – BOE Approved Dusty Miller, Dwight Sutter, and Natalie Hill
- Non-Certified Employment- BOE Approved Michelle Wagner & Stephanie Hudgens
- D. Extra-Curricular Resignations- BOE Approved Scott Klingler, Brittany Hites, and Robbie Kline (Yearbook)
- Extra-Curricular Employment- BOE Approved Jim Corrona F. Request for Fuel Bids – BOE Approved
- Non-Certified Contract (Juneteenth Holiday) – Beginning in 2022, Altamont will recognize the Juneteeth holiday. If the holiday falls on a weekend, it will be observed on the following Monday. Action will be taken after BOE gets an MOU prepared for non-certified union.
- Review Closed Session Minutes for Public Release – BOE voted to not release minutes as they pertain to employment, discipline or other legally protected information.
- Authorize Superintendent to Prepare FY 2022 Budget – BOE Approved
- Identify and Define New Curriculum Committee – Discussion regarding a new curriculum committee to be formed. BOE voted to start committee with Martin Reyes as the Board member appointed to be involved.
- Sports Boosters Gym Flag- BOE Approved
- School Registration Protocols- BOE Approved back to school letter to be shared with all parents stating the districts intention on how to return to school for the upcoming year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32pm