Farina, IL-(Effingham Radio)- On November 5th, the South Central FFA Chapter Officer Team spent the morning with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students from South Central Middle School, leading them in two separate community service activities.
One group of FFA Members and middle school students completed a project in Kinmundy, where they cleaned a community member’s yard, who is not able to do it herself.

Students after cleaning the community member’s yard, pictured (L to R): (Backrow) Community Member; (Middle Row) Brandt Hiestand, Dennis Wollin, Carter Holmes, Eli Arenas, Morgan Robb; (Front Row) Maddie Peddicord, Tyson Jones, Derek Engel, Preston Cooper, Destiny Sexton, Kiera Cowger.
The students spent time cleaning up leaves, cleaning out gutters, trimming trees, exposing an old brick sidewalk, cleaning off the porch, and picking up sticks. The community member was very pleased with the job that the students completed.
The other group of Middle school students and FFA members spent their time at South Central High School, in Farina, where they removed sod and installed posts in the front lawn of the school.

Pictured (L to R): Percilla Reid, Madi Monroe, Bailey Brown, Nevaeh Sullens, Hugh Rosen (Art Teacher), Reese Boyd, Skyler Baird, Alec Langley
The posts will be the home for retired road signs that are recognizing state and national award winning FFA members from the South Central Chapter, and state award winning sports teams. The projects were a good way to help close the gap between middle high school students, and help them to get out and involved in the community as a large team.