Farina, IL-(Effingham Radio)- On February 9th, four South Central FFA members were interviewed to be recommended to receive their State FFA Degrees. The State FFA Degree is the highest degree that the State FFA Association can bestow on a member. This degree is awarded annually at the State FFA Convention to those members who have met the minimum qualifications set forth by the National FFA Organization. All recipients are recognized and receive a charm on stage at the State FFA Convention, in Springfield, Illinois.
The interviews were held at the Okaw Vocational Center, in Vandalia. Morgan Robb, Alec Langley, Brandt Hiestand, and Eli Arenas were all recommended to receive their State FFA Degrees.
Morgan Robb, Eli Arenas, and Alec Langley were also competing with their Supervised Agricultural Experience projects, High School FFA careers, and interviewing skills for Section 19 STAR Farmer, Business, and Placement.
Eli Arenas was selected as Section 19 STAR Business and Alec Langley was selected as Section 19 STAR Placement.
Riley Schaal and Hailey Shuler interviewed for Section 19 STAR Greenhand.
The STAR awards recognize achievement in both career and leadership development.