Dieterich, IL -(Effingham Radio)- The Dieterich Village Board will have a meeting on Monday, April 18th at 6:30pm.
Many topics will be discussed including:
- Consider for approval a resolution authorizing the execution of a second amendment to the Certificate of Platting and Certificate of Restrictions and Covenants of North Pointe Estates Subdivision
- Consider for approval an ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract for private development pursuant to the Village of Dieterich plan for Tax Increment Area No. 1 (Wohltman-Aherin Agency, Ltd)
- Consider for approval an ordinance authorizing the execution of release of reservation of possibility of reverter (204 W Center Street)
- Consider for approval sponsorship of the Effingham County CEO Program
Citizens who have provided a speaker’s card not less than 10 minutes prior to the meeting may address the Board. There is a five-minute time limit per speaker.
The Dieterich Village Board meets in the Dieterich Civic Center at 102 W Virginia Street in Dieterich.