EFFINGHAM, IL-(Effingham Radio)- The Effingham County Board met today to discuss numerous items, including the ambulance dispute that has been going on for quite some time now.
First up was Evapco giving details on their cooling tower for the County Building, which was approved. Next was a proclamation honoring Effingham County Medical Reserve Corp for their swift and efficient response during the COVID-19 pandemic during its peak. They were also commended for their seamless transition to vaccine distribution for the county.
The next topic was about the vertical expansion at the landfill. All criterion for the state and local requirements were met, voted on, and approved by the board.
The biggest discussion topic at this meeting was the ongoing issues with an ambulance service for Effingham County. Elizabeth Hutson was the leader in the push to make the minutes of March 14, 2022 open to the public, citing that this is state law. State’s attorney Brian Kibler participated in the meeting via phone, and was critical of how Hutson handled this situation, even going so far as to say some members of the board want to see her charged with a felony. There was lots of discussion back and forth on this topic, which ultimately ended with the minutes being approved to be released. Following this vote, there was an amendment made to the County Ground Ambulance Service Ordinance, and RuralMed LLC was approved as the 911 ambulance provider.
More information can be found at www.co.effingham.il.us/board.