EFFINGHAM, IL-(Effingham Radio)- The Effingham County Emergency Telephone System and Emergency Service Agencies Boards met today for their quarterly and regular meetings, respectively. The Emergency Service Agencies meeting at 11:45am was fairly short, as there were few issues to discuss. The Emergency Telephone System Meeting started at noon, with many different topics up for discussion.
First, the board approved the minutes from the March 15th meeting, and the board approved the expenditures report. The board also approved gift certificates for telecommunicators working for the County. This was following National Telecommunicators’ Week last week. They also approved expenses and costs for a NENA Conference some board members will be attending in June. The board rounded out the meeting with an approval of a proposed 3% increase for one year to be paid to each City and County under the Intergovernmental Agreement.
More information can be found at www.co.effingham.il.us/board/committees.