Effingham, IL-(Effingham Radio)- The Effingham Zoning Board Of Appeals held a meeting at 6pm today. After the minutes of the last meeting were approved, the board heard from Casey Walk, who testified in favor of the petition to reduce parking at the new Ginger Ales drive thru location on South Walnut.
They are looking to reduce parking to help with the limited space they have available on the lot, and since it is a drive thru only location with no dine-in seating, there is not much need for more than the 7 parking spots (1 handicap parking spot) they are requesting, since the most employees expected to be on duty at the same time will be a maximum of 6. This change is to make it possible to extend their fence to the east side, where there is a residential area. The petition was approved with the stipulation that the petition only apply if the location remains drive thru only.
The next scheduled meeting is in May.