EFFINGHAM, IL-(Effingham Radio)- HSHS St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital announces the addition of two new members to the hospital’s Board of Directors. This brings the number of board members for St. Anthony’s to eight.
Board members serve voluntarily and provide counsel and oversight on decisions that affect the organization’s sustainable future and advance the hospital’s Mission.
St. Anthony’s is pleased to welcome Dr. Eric Bloemer and Jean Anne Highland to the Board of Directors.
“As a local physician and both successful community leaders, I appreciate the experience, engagement and governance support that Dr. Bloemer and Jean Anne will
bring to complement our already effective, service-minded and supportive team of board members,” said President and CEO Chad Markham.
- Dr. Eric Bloemer
is a board-certified family medicine physician/partner with Springfield Clinic. He has 10 years of medical experience and during that time has served on multiple HSHS and St. Anthony’s committees, including the HSHS Illinois Pharmacy, Therapeutics, and Clinical Standards Committee; St. Anthony’s Antibiotic Stewardship Committee (chairperson); and St. Anthony’s Infection Control and Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee (chairperson), among other committees. He received his medical degree from St. Louis University School of Medicine and served his residency at Union Hospital Family Practice Center in Terre Haute, Indiana.
- Jean Anne Highland currently serves as Chief of Staff for Lake Land College (LLC) in Mattoon, having been with LLC since 2009. Highland has served on other hospital committees, including the Effingham Community Support Group, and served a three-year term as a member of the Friends of St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital Leadership Council.
Dr. Bloemer and Highland join other members of St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital’s Board of Directors:
- Eric Zeller, Chairperson
- Dr. Lana Schmidt, Vice-Chairperson
- Allie Weber, Board Secretary
- Sister Marguerite Cook, OSF
- Carrie Crippen
- Bob Schultz
For more information about HSHS St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital, visit stanthonyshospital.org.