Louisville, IL-(Effingham Radio)- At 5:45PM, Superintendent Keith Price presented at the public hearing on the FY25 NCCUSD District Budget. The starting fund balances for FY25 were presented and reported as in very good condition. Keith Price stated that the major component of the FY25 budget was the planned completion of what is known as Phase 2 of the renovation and addition building project. Budgeted revenue highlights included: State revenue, or otherwise known as Evidence Based Funding, of approximately $3.4 million dollars, which is a $27,952 increase over last year’s state revenue. The amount of increase is due to the district’s status of Tier 2 in Evidence Based Funding. Anticipated Local revenue for FY25 is $2.3 million, with approximately half of that being generated through the Ed Fund levy. Other budgeted revenues include the Title I, II and IV grants, the PreK grant, the Teacher Vacancy Grant and the Teacher Pathway Grant. Superintendent Price also announced that the district will be seeking to apply for the FY25 School Project Maintenance Grant, which is a $50,000 matching grant. A significant grant, ESSER III, which is funding that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic, is closing out during FY25. This $1.33 million dollar grant was utilized primarily to fund what was known as Phase 1 of the building projects which included the new roof and HVAC replacement project for the elementary building. Of the major “operating funds” of Education, Operations and Maintenance and Transportation, approximately 82% of all district spending for FY25 is allocated towards the Education Fund, which includes cost of all curriculum, student activities and programing, classroom materials, supplies and equipment and district staff salaries and benefits. Other budgeted expenditure highlights for FY25 include: the purchasing of 3 new buses, new video scoreboard for the new gym and weight room equipment which was funded in part with a donation to the district. The final item discussed was the abatement of the Working Cash fund for a transfer to the Capital Projects fund for the purpose of completing the funding for the Phase 2 renovation and addition project.
- Roll call, Pledge of Allegiance at 6pm. Board Members present were: Barry Adair, Aaron Kincaid, Jason Griffy, Kim Smith, Jon Carroll and Anthony Dawkins. Absent was Ryan Ballard.
- Consider Adoption of Agenda Approved 6-0
- Consider Approval Consent Agenda of Regular Board Meeting Approved 6-0
- Approval of Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Approval of Bills, Personal and Sick Leave
- Approval of Field Trips FFA Overnight Field Trip to National FFA Convention
- Recognition of Guests, Public Comments, and Positive News
Public Comments: Athena VanDyke spoke to the board about her concerns regarding the amount of food provided to junior high school students during lunch. She stated that the amount of food is not enough and students are reporting that they are still hungry after the lunch hour. She also inquired about new legislation that would allow the return of whole milk to be served in the cafeteria. Superintendent Keith Price said that he would look into the concerns and get back with Mrs. VanDyke.
Elementary/Junior High School Principal Mr.Ben Borries and High School Principal Mrs.Sarah Newby presented on positive news:
High School
- FCCLA and FFA hosted a successful Fall Ball. Lawnee Erwin was named the new Queen and Will Hardiek was named the new King.
- FFA hosted their first FFA Cookout for the year. It was a huge success with a great turnout.
- FCCLA is hosting a Impact Life blood drive on Friday, September 27th in the NCHS gym from 1:00-6:00.
- We have begun our fire and severe weather drills for the year with more upcoming. Crisis Go is being utilized and working well.
- The new front entrance to the HS building is open!
- NCHS had Fall Sports Pictures taken on September 20th. Individual pictures are coming up on October 4th.
- The NCHS volleyball team won the Flora Tournament on Saturday, September 21st!
- Aliah Robertson, Will Hardiek, and Kaden Hilderbrand were the August students of the month.
- FFA hosted their annual mum sale.
- The NCHS Volleyball will be hosting a Pink Out Night against South Central on Thursday, September 26th.
Jr. High/Elementary
- September Jr. Deputies – 2nd Graders – Paislyn Staat & Rylie Bailey, 3rd Graders – Rylan Fehrenbacher, Zoe Jones, & Lyla Bailey, 4th Graders – Colton Snell & Bella Farleigh. ● We have begun our fire and severe weather drills with more upcoming along with earthquake and bus drills.
- Elementary teachers are awesome and Junior High teachers are stellar.
- The teacher’s lounge has been completed and the Library has its new furniture in with the help of Billy, Lucinda, and volunteers Cory Wendling, Hillary Wendling, and Christie Price. Up next is Library paint and murals. We are close to final installation for the new tables for the Art room.
- Sept. 25th – Pre-K Grandparents night.
- Oct. 7th Fire Prevention Day
- Oct. 10th Parent/Teacher Conferences – 12:00 – 7:00
- Consider to Adopt a Resolution for the Purpose of Abating the Working Cash Fund Approved 6-0
- Consider to adopt of the FY25 NCCUSD#25 District Budget as presented Approved 6-0 7. Discussion of District Building Use Policies Discussion Only
- First reading of Board Policy Updates Tabled
- Update on Construction Project Discussion Only Superintendent Keith Price shared highlights and progress updates of the construction project. He reported that the project is currently on schedule. Recept progress includes: installation of the final wall panels of the new gym, installation of the steel decking of the new gym and new ag shop and ag classroom, stairs being set in the new tower, and the soon be pouring of the concrete bases in the gym and ag classroom/shop.
Closed session for the purpose of: Approved 6-0 at 6:33PM
- The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, security, or dismissal of specific employees of the district 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)
- Collective negotiating matter between the public body and its employees or other representatives 5 ILCS 12/2(c)(2)
- Student disciplinary cases 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9)
The Board of Education met in closed session from 6:33PM to 7:32PM
Board Member Aaron Kincaid left the meeting at 7:12PM
Open The Board of Education entered into Open Session at 7:32PM Approved 5-0
Upon returning from Closed Session, the following motions were made:
- That student 9-25-24A be found to have violated school rules and that (he or she) be expelled from North Clay Unit 25 School District for (time period) of 1 school year beginning September 25, 2024, and ending on the last day of the 24-25 school year. Further moved that the expulsion be stayed and that (he or she) be placed on school probation for that period. In accordance with the agreement to be signed by the student, (his or her) parents, and the administration, violation of school probation will result in imposition of the expulsion. Approved 5-0
- Hire Laith Harrington as a full time custodian for the 24-25 school year Approved 5-0 3. Hire Emma Bushur as a sub nurse Approved 5-0
- Accept the resignation of Kelly Stortzum as Junior High Boys Varsity Basketball Coach, effective immediately. Approved 5-0
- Approve Ethan Kuenstler as a volunteer boys high school basketball coach for the 24-25 school year. Approved 5-0
- Approve Loren Holloway as a volunteer in the district. Approved 5-0
Committee Reports/Superintendent Report
Superintendent Keith Price reported that the Board Presidents and Superintendents of the school districts in Clay County (Flora, Clay City and North Clay) have been meeting regarding a possible 1% sales tax for Clay County and what that may mean for the district. Further information would be shared at the October school board meeting with the consideration of a district resolution for the proposal to be placed on the April 2025 ballot.
Adjournment at 7:45pm Approved 5-0