March 22, 2025
- Effingham City Police arrested 33 year old Nate S. Sparks for reckless conduct. Nate was taken to the Effingham County Jail.
- Effingham County Sheriff’s Office arrested 35 year old Zachary M. Houser of Effingham for possession of <5g of meth and possession of drug paraphernalia. Zachary was given an NTA and was released.
March 23, 2025
- Illinois State Police arrested 25 year old Austin M. Phelps of Montrose for DUI alcohol, driving while license revoked, and transportation/possession of open alcohol by driver. Austin was given an NTA and was released.
- Illinois State Police arrested 24 year old Bernard C. Holthaus of Midland, TX for DUI alcohol and transportation/possession of open alcohol by driver. Bernard was given an NTA and was released.
- Illinois State Police arrested 59 year old Tod E. Earleywine of Wheeler for DUI alcohol, transportation/possession of open alcohol by driver, disobeying a police officer order, improper U-turn on roadway, and resisting/obstructing a police officer. Tod was taken to the Effingham County Jail.
- Effingham City Police arrested 34 year old Arabel Gonzalez of Effingham for domestic battery. Arabel was taken to the Effingham County Jail.
March 24, 2025
- Effingham County Sheriff’s Office arrested 32 year old Joshua D. Mayberry of Altamont for an Effingham County PSC mittimus to jail sentenced for 24 hours. Joshua was taken to the Effingham County Jail.
- Effingham City Police arrested 42 year old Kyle E. Julius of Effingham for battery and criminal damage to property. Kyle was given an NTA and was released.
- Effingham County Sheriff’s Office arrested 25 year old Valek M. Bernahl of Altamont for an Effingham County original warrant for escape. Valek was taken to the Effingham County Jail.
- Illinois State Police arrested 36 year old Cametrice K. Williams of Osceola, AR for unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon and aggravated unlawful possession of a weapon. Cametrice was taken to the Effingham County Jail.
March 21, 2025
-Karri J. Edens, 35, Homeless; Cited: 16:44 hours, Douglas Township
- Failure to Yield
-Carlos Guzman Rodriguez, 28, Effingham; Cited: 22:51 hours, Douglas Township
- Operating a Motor Vehicle with Suspended Registration
March 22, 2025
-Maithe C. Rincon, 37, Homeless; Cited: 3:01 hours, Douglas Township
- Operating a Motor Vehicle with Suspended Registration