EFFINGHAM COUNTY, IL-(Effingham Radio)-The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office recently sold t-shirts to support Breast Cancer Awareness.
$700.00 was donated to St. Anthony’s Women’s Wellness Center.
Non-uniform employees of the Sheriff’s Office are authorized to wear the shirts to work on the Fridays during October in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Pictured are Sheriff’s Office personnel presenting the donation to the Wellness Center.
Pictured left to right in the front row are Office Deputy Pam Rieman and Administrative Aide Mary Hoopingarner.
Back row is St. Anthony Hospital Director of Philanthropy Michael Wall, Telecommunicator Billie Bales, Office Deputy Gena Blair, Sheriff David Mahon presenting check to Women’s Wellness Supervisor Ashley Davis, Communications Supervisor Tina Daniels and Jail Administrator Marnie Raber.