EFFINGHAM, IL-(Effingham Radio)- Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation has announced the recipients of the 2022-2023 Nonprofit Executive Round Table process.
A total of $5,000 has been awarded to two non-profit organizations in Effingham County.
Poss Music Works was awarded $2,000 to implement the Poss Music Works Outreach Consolidation and the Crisis Nursery of Effingham County was awarded $3,000 to begin a Program Evaluation Survey with the assistance of Southern Illinois University- Edwardsville.
In the photo from L to R, Bill Passalacqua, Executive Director, Poss Music Works; Meghan Rewers, Executive Director, Crisis Nursery of Effingham County; Alex Pleasant, CEO, Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation.
For more information, visit www.southeasternillinois.org or call 217.342.4988.